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About Me

Taofeek Ibrahim Adeshina

Taofeek Ibrahim Adeshina (FotoNugget)is a talented sports and documentary photographer with a passion for visual storytelling. With a keen eye for detail and a unique approach to photography, Taofeek has captured compelling images that have been featured in several notable publications. His work as a documentary photographer has taken him to various locations, where he has documented the lives and stories of people from different cultures and backgrounds. Taofeek’s photography is a reflection of his deep respect for humanity, and his ability to capture the essence of a moment is a testament to his talent as a visual storyteller.

My Skills


I am very familiar with visual editing software. Now that digital photography has become standard, the work that used to be done in the darkroom is typically accomplished on the computer.


Although one aspect of composition is simply the photographer’s taste and creativity, i think deliberately and intelligently about what looks good in a frame and why.

Attention to Detail

Photographers need to have good attention to detail when taking photographs – i am able to capture light and color and think carefully about all components of each image. However, am detailed in postproduction. i can identify and fix any small issues in each photograph.


While not all photographers work independently, many do. Working as a freelancer or selling prints requires me to be my own business manager. I handle everything from marketing to payroll, and i know how to speak with potential clients or customers.

Why Choose Me?

light composure
In the same way as we say “fill your frame” in photography. I Keep things simple, i only include elements which are relevant to the story am telling.
Professional skills
Here are some of my professional skills Artistic skills, Technical skills, Good communication skills, Ability to work well under pressure and meet deadlines, etc.
Perfect Equipment
I have all equipment to make your project stands out such as, Filters
, Tripod, Camera straps, Color correction card, Flash, Reflectors, Light kit, Light kit, Props.
ultra hd
I have camera that shoot in Ultra HD and 4k, that's why i can get you the perfect result your heart desired
unic vision
As a photographer i see what exists in reality, but it’s also satisfying to reproduce in the camera what have previously only imagined. My vision grows out of my experiences with nature, and this evolution takes me a step beyond documentation into creation.
focusing knowledges
The world without photography will be meaningless to us if there is no light,
In every photo i take, there will be a plane of focus. This is the region in space with the potential to be as sharp as possible in a photo.

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